Multiple Ranches
Whitetail Hunting
What is North Americas #1 big game animal? WHITETAILS! And do we love our whitetails. The passion and drive to create the best whitetail habitat and manage our genetics is second to none. Every year we work to make the ranches better in both areas. From shed hunting in the spring to watching the bucks grow through the summer everything that leads up to hunting season drives us. In the White Creek ranch we manage through selective harvesting trying to achieve large frame whitetails scoring 180”+. This hunting area is heavily wooded giving you a true Adirondack feel. Our Whitetail Ridge ranch is our #1 whitetail hunting ground. Here you get the mountain as well as nice agricultural fields. This property is managed not only by harvesting and nutrition, but also the yearly addition of selective genetics. Our goal on this ranch is to harvest mature whitetails scoring well in the 200” range with a few 300”+ every year.

Whitetail Pricing
Classic Northern Whitetail
(up to 170″) – $4,750 LS
Giant Northern Whitetail
(170″ – 200″) – $6,750 LS
Trophy Northern Whitetail
(200+”) – $9,000 LS
Once in a Lifetime Whitetails
Ultra Rare Typicals, Giant 8 Point Bucks, High 250+” Bucks, 300+” Bucks
White Creek Forest
Elk Hunting
There is really nothing to compare elk hunting to. No matter if its your first time or your 100th, its always different and always exciting. The sounds of bulls bugling and coming into calls will make the hair on the back of your neck stand up, every dang time! Even our guides say that they get the same feelings and they’re around this stuff every day. On our ranch there is several areas where we like to call from to get good vantage points and be able to move depending on the action. Our land really lays itself perfect for our elk hunts. Whether you start on top of the ski slope and end up stalking through the parks, maybe they are up in the ledges and you’ll have to work all the way around to get access, or heck you might get woken up by a bugle coming from the old oaks while you are in our off-grid cabin. Our goal is to harvest mature bulls averaging 360+ with hopes of a couple breaking the 400” mark every season.

Elk Pricing
350″ – 420″
425″ – 450″
Only 3 available for 2023 season.
Majestic Hills
Majestic Hills is where we hunt trophy fallow and two different sika deer. All of these species have been managed intensely for 15+ years. This stock originated from very famous bloodlines many years ago. There are fallow deer in four main colors—common, menil, melanistic, and white—as well as Dabowski Sika and Japenese Sika.

Majestic Hills
Trophy Fallow / Sika
Management Fallow / Sika
Multiple Ranches
Bird hunting takes place on all three ranches within the property. You only pay for what we release–shoot more, good for you! Average 50/50 males and females. Dogs and guides are available at an additional cost. We also offer Bobwhite Quail, Chukar, and Hungarian Partridge upon request.

Spring Turkey Hunts
Sunrise – 12 Noon
Morning Hunt
Choice of Afternoon Activity
Activities Include:
Long Range Shooting
Ranch Work – Trust us, it’s fun!